22622 - The extension regarding the exploration rights for ENI was granted

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

After all that we have heard from various experts, ie, that ENI is about to depart because there is no interest from the Italian oil company due to the failure of the research, because there were no reserves, now we are discovering the exact opposite. That in actual fact, it is the Italian company that requested the renewal of the contract and in fact, for the three marine plots 2, 3 and 9.
This request was forwarded by the Minister for Energy, to the Cabinet which approved the proposal.
In other words, the scaremongering that we have suffered, has nothing to do with reality.
ENI’s new two-year extension, comes to enhance that of TOTAL’s.
Therefore, in both cases we have renewal, just as was the case with Noble regarding marine plot 12, which practically means that the interest for hydrocarbons in the Cypriot EEZ is unstoppable.
Consequently, we realize that regardless of what some tell us both in Cyprus and in Greece, it’s important to observe what the companies themselves do, which by the way, as they are anything but charities, if there was no financial benefit for them they would not be situated in this region.
We should therefore let the various sirens sing about and say what they may, and we should continue on our path towards the utilization of our high strategy, ignoring completely the irrelevance of some, and the servility of others.
The utilization of the Cypriot EEZ and of the Cypriot hydrocarbons is the tool of the Cypriot liberation.
This is the important data, which will allow us to change and to enhance our geopolitical position.
And we are not about to fall into the trap of the pseudonegotiation, which are aiming to reduce our initiatives merely because they can’t keep up to date with the developments.