22682 - Before the shadow

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

Dominique: Why didn’t you read Rhinoceros?
Lucy: It wasn’t in the program.
Dominique: And you think that’s enough of an excuse?
Lucy: They only spoke to us about the singer.
Dominique: The Bald?
Lucy: Who else?
Dominique: It is irrelevant!
Lucy: Isn’t it theatre of the absurd?
Dominique: It is!
Lucy: Then what is the problem?
Dominique: It is not a problem.
Lucy: What is it then?
Dominique: Mistake!
Lucy: But why? Since I didn’t know…
Dominique: Exactly for this reason!
Lucy: Namely?
Dominique: You didn’t understand what happened!
Lucy: What happened?
Dominique: That which you didn’t understand…
Lucy: Are you serious?
Dominique: Didn’t you see that we became rhinoceroses?
Dominique: There’s goes a new one! When?
Dominique: Then!
Lucy: Gladly…And what are we now?
Dominique: Shadows.
Lucy: I didn’t read this either…