22846 - Lack of high strategy

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Having a government of inaction and a nonexistent opposition, a legitimate question is, where are we heading?
While we are within a democratic context in which the political parties must talk and negotiate in order to finally produce a high strategy for our homeland, instead of a dialogue, we have a double political party monologue, during which everyone tries to merely regain their own, as if there’s an automatic pilot for Greece as a whole.
This is reflected in society as well, where everyone is at a standby phase, waiting for this inaction to end, and hoping this will occur without cost for the population.
This of course does not mean that the nation is not suffering.
On the contrary, it has entered a context in which it doesn’t see any prospects, as it’s not taken into account.
Therefore, we see that even in national matters, far beyond any political party issues, such as the EEZ, in actual fact we are waiting for Egypt’s initiative, with the agreement of Cyprus, whereas it’s Greece that has the greatest need of the EEZ.
Because the Greek EEZ is not just a detail for the future of our homeland.
We observe however, either an indifference, or a spectacular ignorance of the associated data.
That’s how the partisanly limits are obvious, which do not extend to the range of the national ones.
And while we are pushing towards everywhere in order for the notion of the EEZ to become understood widely, while we see the developments in both Cyprus and Egypt, our big concern is not to expose ourselves, and not to become obvious that we are taking initiatives, which could be perceived as risky.
Consequently, the EEZ will occur in Greece from the actions of others.