23132 - New reserves in the Ionian sea.

E. Conophagos, N. Lygeros, A. Foskolos
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias

While we are witnessing a huge inertia in the hydrocarbons sector in Greece due to lack of political will, or even due to ignorance, we see it necessery to inform those who want to learn regarding the actual situation, especially because this is objectively spectacular, even though it remains unknown to most.
In the Ionian sea there are new reserves, and important ones at that.
Therefore we don’t only obtain the Pyrrhus, and Achilles reserves.
At the Diapontian islands there is an area of economic interest, because there’s a reserve there, in small sea depth, ie, about thirty meters, which means low mining costs.
Another area is located west of Preveza and yet another west of Paxoi.
Further south, west of Katakolo, there is another reserve as was indicated the PGS company.
But the most important one of all of the rest, because it is regarding a giant reserve, is located in the Gulf of Kyparissia, virtually opposite the Zacharo.
All these new data with the new reserves in the Ionian sea, offer great potentials, not only for the region, but for the entire Greece as well.
This means that for marine plots 1, 2 and 10 we should at least move onto the next stage, because this delay is unacceptable for Greece.
The future is already waiting for us with tangible data, although some assume that they are doing something substantial, merely because they speak about it, without however implementing anything at all.
The Ionian sea obtains mineral wealth, we know it, and there is no longer an excuse.