23147 - Only national talks are substantial

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Only national talks are substantial towards the solving of the Cypriot issue.
Because community based negotiations can only produce a community effective result and nothing else or more.
If we therefore really took into account the United Nations resolution, we wouldn’t even have bothered going through a process which wastes so much time in order to gain absolutely nothing.
Meaningless moves which can not gain substance, due to the lack of will to resolve fundamental issues, such as the energean, the territorial and the asset one.
Without an effective approach on the issue, there can not be a phase change.
Now the context is clear, as it concerns the European EEZ ,which by the way we should utilize in order to increase its resistance.
This can occur through the third licensing round for the Cypriot marine plots, due to the cycle change caused by the discovery of the Zohr reserve in the Egyptian EEZ, with the new data re: the karst limestone, since we have three target reserves in the Cypriot EEZ.
We have the EuroAsia Interconnector electric cable, and the EastMed natural gas pipeline, which enable us to function catalytically.
We can found these elements through both trilaterals between Israel-Greece-Cyprus, Egypt, Greece and Cyprus.
In other words we have many facilities and structures at our disposal, which allow us a proactive approach to the problems, and more specifically to those regarding the extraction of natural gas.
Consequently, there is no reason and no hurry whatsoever.
We must move ahead with steady steps, so that we shouldn’t have to go back at a time of need.
The Cypriot issue will be solved through strategy and energy, and not through politics and the economy, as is the case with every issue of Hellenism.