23151 - Strategic actions re: the Cypriot issue

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Unless the diplomatic moves obtain strategic foundations, they can’t be effective at a national level.
The 541 and 550 UN resolutions, should function as a catalyst at a general context.
Thereon the European acquis could serve as the essential field which prepares the action field of the EEZ.
In a manner that, the battlefield of the liberation of Cyprus would be activated with foundations, and effectiveness.
This mental scheme is the ony appropriate one, in order for a just solution to take place, with national strategy which is not affected by partisanly conditions, and servility tendencies.
At an overseas level, we should activate new and durable alliances both within the European Union and in foreign countries, which have strategic interests.
The unfolding of the Cypriot struggle is possible with these tools at hand, as long as there’s coordination and strategic planning.
Because the liberation of Cyprus is essential, and it’s not only a solution, but a democratic development.
In other words it is not regarding a radical action which rejects the continuity of our history.
On the contrary, the continuity of the history is the basis of strategy.
Because both topostrategy and chronostrategy incorporate it as a foundation and a backbone.
The continuity of the future, comes to influence the past, in order to create the present.
Consequently, the potentials deriving from the two tripartites, the third licensing round, the EuroAsia Interconnector, the East Med pipeline, and the natural gas liquefying plant, change all the data in both the energean and the strategic levels.
We must therefore focus upon this approach, and not waste time in negotiations that do not utilize that factor.