23193 - The bathymetric survey course

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

While they are all discussing all sorts of different things, without a reason and without any depth, because they are just passers by, the Italian vessel Odin Finder performs a bathymetric study regarding a propable route of the EuroAsia Interconnector electrical cable, is now situated within the Greek EEZ since it passed through the last marine plot of the Cypriot EEZ.
In particular it is already in the Dodecanese region and it’s en route to pass through north of Crete and to finally reach Piraeus.
Consequently, we see that the GAS company which has won the associated competition, has actually started the initial recording of the sea bed in order to explore the feasibility corridor.
It’s interesting therefore, that there are still people who aren’t aware, that the program is in function and it evolves according to the initial estimates and plans.
As a result, on a daily basis, every country of the agreement acquires accurate bathymetric data concerning its EEZ , regarding depths which are exceeding the 100 meters.
In other words, the vision of the history is transformed into a reality of the future.
And in this manner, we are enhancing our positions re: the tripartite, at a practical level.
Additionally, each of us can participate individually in this survey, by merely following the course of the vessel all the way through the Mediterranean sea, and especially through the EEZs of Greece, Cyprus and Israel.
That, so that no one can convince them that nothing is happening, and that this doesn’t constitute a success for the EuroAsia Interconnector project.