23467 - Governmental pseudo respect

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Why do you respect, religion, customs and tradition when you are abroad, and don’t do it back home as well?
Why do you blame previous governments for something that you are doing right now?
Is there any value in this pseudo respect when you explain to everyone that religion is the opium of the people?
Are you under the impression that others don’t understand what you’re all about and that for a mere commercial cooperation you are ready to place the dove beneath a burqa?
Are you under the impression that all these actions carry no costs in regards to dignity?
Nobody is stupid in this situation, and in the long run it would be a cost, because it’s a fact with a tail.
The pseudo respect is merely a social act, and in actual fact is indicative of disrespect, and nothing but that.
When you’re saying that you’re “competent” of disregarding the beliefs of your own, just in order to get hold of the power, why don’t you continue that abroad?
After all, which non Christian would’ve put on a cross, when they came from abroad to see our country, our places, our tradition.
It is a matter of consistency of the actions with respect to the coherence of thought.
Those who are incompetent to see the difference, can not assess that gap.
In any case, Greece doesn’t deserve to suffer such insults, and all that saves us, is that it’s a matter of time, in order to get rid of the movements of a barbarism, which fortunately is incapable and inefficient.
But the fact remains as such, and we will have to overcome this wound as well, in order to continue with our national progress.