23468 - Energean strategy and government inertia

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

With the developments that we are observing throughout the eastern Mediterranean, ideally we would’ve expected some actions, or at least some movements, on the part of the State.
But there seems to be a govermental inertia, which is explained by political methods of a bygone era, that has nothing to do with reality due to dogmatism.
Any contacts made are of the local character type.
This was also proven by the small hydrocarbon licensing round.
Now, as far as the large licensing round is concerned, the files are still sealed, as if there’s no need at all on the part of our homeland.
The incompetence and inability at both tactical and strategic levels, is phenomenal.
The impression is given, that some are only just discovering the institutions for which they are responsible.
And meanwhile, we say, we announce, we circulate and so on, that we are trying to solve problems which in fact were created due to lack of coordination.
The two tripartites are urging for the creation of a positive context, but in both cases, we are the player who is delayed in playing, due to lack of initiative.
It’s important for this attitude to change, in order for us to move forward with developments, because, the Greece of the future will be energean, but that fact is simply not yet understood by many, who can not contemplate all the changes caused by the natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Therefore, the issues concerning the EEZ of the region, are of a dominant value in regards to the next moves, whereas, we see the State, restricted to other issues, which she herself has created.