23473 - From the local to the larger picture

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The worldwide approach from the local picture specifically, doesn’t by nature offer many possibilities.
That should be understood as well by institutional participants, who are under the impression that they can handle problems in different levels, but which they treat in a local manner, without that meaning that the particular issue is local.
In actual fact they often attempt to solve problems with a range that goes beyond their competence.
In other words, the resolution of the problem can not be seen in the initial context and as a result the solution couldn’t be found.
At this stage of the diagnosis a zoom out should occur, in order for the big picture to be identifiable.
Without this occurring, not even a partial solution to the problem can take place, and there are no intermediate stages to it.
A characteristic example is the cases regarding the recognition of monuments of world heritage.
The diagnosis of the subject is compulsory in order for the technicalities re: the solving of the matter would be supported thereon.
This example belongs to the national level, which in due time is aiming to reach international recognition.
Therefore the localistic approach can not be functional even unilaterally.
A coherent strategy with coordinated movements should be able to utilize various levels, as long as that’s always examined by the higher level.
In such a manner, that departmentally, there could be a strategic mix, and not just a linear path which could be faced with obstacles, whereas, it’s quite possible to avoid them through the other levels which serve and function as alternative pathways towards the resolution.