23534 - The hyena’s bravado

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The hyena’s bravado may frighten only those who are ready to become fearful and follow a code that always remains the same.
You frighten the other only when the ground allows it, but not beyond that point.
That practically means, that you should activate your powers differently, in order to create an allied context which provides a dynamic protection and it disarms the absurd claims, which obtain no substance whatsoever.
For this reason the two tripartites, of Greece-Cyprus-Israel and Greece-Cyprus-Egypt, are very important, especially when they are simultaneously supported by the European context and the EEZ field as well.
There is no reason, therefore, to create a controversy where there is no target at the strategic level.
What matters is for us to continue relentlessly upon our path, in any case, and for any reason, and this is especially applicable to the European Commission PCI programs, such as the EuroAsia Interconnector electric underwater cable, and the EastMed natural gas pipeline.
Because both programs enhance a horizontal strategic axis, which follows the scheme of the Mediterranean and it intelligently avoids any non durable solutions.
It is important to realize, that in order to move forward efficiently, without paying any attention to tactics which always aim to cause internal friction, as they are incompetent to cause any other damages, and they only gain substance, if we pay any attention to them, or else they remain misguided and aimless.