23711 - Notes on Silicon Scaffolds and 3D Neuronal Web

N. Lygeros

• Structured silicon substrates with hierarchical structures via femtosecond laser irradiation of the Si wafer environment in a reactive in a reactive SF6 environment.
• Elaborate web of cytoplasmic processes in the absence of glial elements.
• Demonstration: microfabrication of a Si surface provides an excellent platform for multifaceted studies of neuronal specimens.
• Cell adhesion, growth, and survival are functions partially shaped by the substrate’s topography and chemistry.
• At the nanoscale level
• Artificial environment: wetting laws and attachment sites.
• Synthetic 3D organic ECM for cell anchorage to emulate the high-density packing and connectivity seen in vivo.
• Inorganic materials with surface roughness.
• Without coating, synthetic ECM, or chemotropic factors.
• Fetal brains from timed pregnant mice at embryonic day 14.
• Density: 2.5 x 106 cells/well.
• 5 days in vitro.
• Only few cells survived on a flat Si substrate.
• Network of nanoscale thin neuritic extensions —> third dimension.
• Ergonomic way of neuritic sprouting.
• Neuritic extension is dictated by the shortest intraspike distance.
• Neurons sensed the vertical microstructured roughness and adhered.
• Synergistic effect of surface chemistry.
• Undeniable proof of outstanding adhesion properties.
• Novel approach that utilizes Si-microfabricated substrate to support growth and 3D development of cultured neurons.