23852 - Εnergean developments

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

As much as some serviles of both Greece and Cyprus want to reduce the importance of the energean developments, due to the fear of their own shadow, the reality has changed.
The Egyptian Zohr reserve, does no longer constitute a mere fact, but an example to be followed throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, and especially in Greece and Cyprus.
With such Zohr type target reserves for Greece through its EEZ, and three of the sort for Cyprus, the future of Hellenism will be different from the misery that dominates of late, due to doctrinal incompetence and the lack of strategy.
At this point of time, it is difficult for even the most dogmatic serviles, which are hiding behind ideologies as per the Gospel according to Luke, in order to justify their inaction.
We see that it is actually the reality which is changing the politics, because politics without any initiatives, in order to avoid any costs, have ended up following what merely occurs, instead of been productive as such.
The energean developments in the Eastern Mediterranean is not a mere theory, but a reality that nobody can question hereon.
Cyprus sets the example in the energean field, and in a dynamic fashion at that, and the best proof is the designation of the Third licensing round.
It is however even more important to realize, that a consequence of the energean developments, is the necessary construction of a liquefaction plant in Cyprus.
And the same will be applicable to Greece as things progress.
These movements are necessary, in order for us to be prepared for the future developments, otherwise we will spend valuable time, resulting in huge cost, with absolutely no reason whatsoever.