23956 - Target reserve 5 times greater than ΖΟHR within the Cypriot EEZ

E, Conophagos, N. Lygeros, A. Foskolos
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Zohr constitutes the largest natural gas reserve within the Mediterranean, and is the 7th largest reserve of all times worldwide.
As we’ve already indicated, the above mentioned discovery opened new, innovative, and researching horizons, towards tracking down and locating, gigantic limestone natural gas reserves, in the EEZ’s of both Cyprus and Greece.
The first regions which we’ve just recently had suggested that they could be very interesting for research, were related to Paleo-lagoon positions of the late miocene period which are around Eratosthenes with regard to Cyprus, and South of Crete in Greece’s case.
A few days ago we’ve indicated, that northwest of the Zohr reserve, and within marine plot 11, there’s a Cypriot target of a similar deposit, as charted by TOTAL, which could host potential reserves of at least 15 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
At the same time we’ve become aware, that within the Cypriot marine plots 10 and 11, there are another 5 Zohr type target reserves which have been charted.
The competent minister of Cyprus has already referred to the possibility of multi-Zohr type targets within the Cypriot EEZ.
From our own perspective we’ve concluded, that another 10 Zohr type targets have already been charted within the Cypriot EEZ
The most important fact however is not the existence of similar target reserves within the Cypriot EEZ, but the conclusion that north of Zohr, there’s a similar, Zohr type hypergigantic target reserve which is estimated as, at least 5 times greater than Zohr.
This targer was identified by the Spectrum Company, and was presented a few weeks ago at an international conference in London.
In the figure below, we can observe a geophysical perpendicular registration of the Zohr reserve (see. Fig.1), a total area of 100 square kilometers (km2).
We observe that this reserve shows a side presence of coral reefs (often with a porosity of 70%) while its center is constituted of karstic limestone.

North of Zohr there is a charted Zohr-type brother reserve, with similar characteristics, but its extent appears to exceed the 500 square kilometers (km2).

Of course the above mentioned hypergigantic target reserve – already confirmed with high definition 2D seismic recordings – will need to be confirmed by 3D seismic surveys and to undergo drilling which will practically confirm the existence of natural gas.
However, in the case of the discovery and confirmation of natural gas reserves,which could reach at least the150 trillion cubic feet, then that reserve will in this case be, the third largest in the world of all the times.
Simultaneously, it may soon enough transform Cyprus, in regards to its energean value and worth, into something proportional to Saudi Arabia.
It is therefore time for both Helladites and Cypriots to unite and claim, at all costs, and with strong alliances, their rights to the wealth of our EEZ’s, without any compromises.