23993 - The energean Cyprus

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Energy and strategy constitute the structural elements of both the politics and the economy.
With the new data we have at hand, in the hydrocarbon sector through the Cypriot EEZ, a new strategy that is formed.
And this doesn’t only occur nationally but also locally as well.
The energean Cyprus, can not only be relying on an energean port.
There is an analogy with the Cypriot castles, and we should contemplate the indications given to us by the besieging, in regards to the management of the energean resources and their actual locations.
In this context it is extremely important for Larnaca to play its role in combination with Nicosia.
Additionally, we should think in depth of time, ie, even after the resolution of the Cypriot issue, that Famagusta and Kyrenia will play a similar role as well, with other types of contributions of courcse, as the strategic natural gas fields are all located south of Cyprus, due to the Mediterranean ridge.
More so, apart from the construction of the liquefaction plant , which will employ in its entire context, an estimated one hundred thousand working positions, we must also take into account the national Cypriot network re: the supply of natural gas to the household networks.
We can see now, that with the data we have at hand, and the prospects in regards to the hydrocarbons sector, we are not longer at the point of questioning whether we have natural gas or not at our disposal, but of how to strategically manage what we obtain, in order to also utilize, the associated added value towards the development of Cyprus, as far as fifty years down the track.