24309 - The inhumane State

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

As time goes on, more and more are convinced that Turkey constitutes an inhumane State, which violates not only their own citizens rights, but those of the refugees as well, and to an extreme at that, in order to exhaust them in any way possible.
Simultaneously, it’s cooperating with the terrorist organization in order to be involved in the trafficking of illegal oil, illegal arms, and the smuggling of archaeologies.
And its hypocrisy as far as the European institutions are concerned, doesn’t fool anyone who’s in any way competent.
It does what ever possible, to exploit in any way possible, the fact that it constitutes a compulsory passage for all refugees, while formally it refuses to admit that they have passed through Turkey.
The refugee phenomenon indicates to everyone that Turkey hides less and less her true face toward people who she doesn’t consider her own.
She examines them and negotiates their matters as if they were animals or mere food products for the State, as it forces them to go to places nobody has access to.
It is in this context that we must examine our positions, because our diplomacy continues to support Turkey’s accession course, even though we can see that she is catastrophic at a humane level, as it is highly dangerous to trust a State which gives so little importance to humans.
Likewise, the agreement which took place, proves that there wasn’t any tangible effect as a result of it, in regards to the refugee situation, and that all that actually happened is the mere new re opening of yet another of the 35 articles.
There isn’t a high strategy which could utilize Turkey positively, because it only functions egotistically, without paying any attention to humane problems.
Consequently, there is no reason for this approach to continue because it contradicts strategy as such.
Additionally, we now all understand that Turkey doesn’t want or aim to help the refugees and or the countries which support their integration.
So to what avail are all these compromises, while the whole truth is now obvious about this country which genocides nations?