26821 - From the Middle East το the Eastern Mediterranean
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias
For decades now, everyone is used to be seeing the Middle East as a large hydrocarbons reserve, but all that without taking into account both the historical and religious background which existed in the region for centuries on.
As a result according to them, the context of the transfer of knowledge and the management of technology in areas where only desert mattered did not exist.
Whereas, in actual fact the energean needs on one side, ie, Europe and America, and the need for development on the other, ie, the Middle East, has created an artificial context of cooperation that has associated consequences.
Therefore, when we are examining the new EU energean path for 2020 and for 2050, we understand that there is a phase change, because we are now talking about the promotion of indigenous sources of energy within the EEZ of the EU Member States and more specifically in the Eastern Mediterranean and Euxinus Pontus.
This strategic and energean mental scheme in actual fact means that the interest towards the Middle East as incredible as it may seem to most of us, will be reduced.
Because in practical sense it is the analog to the method followed by Russia in relation to Ukraine and the passage of the natural gas pipelines.
As a result, the Eastern Mediterranean will become even more attractive not merely for Europe, but also for America as well.
In this manner, and in its entirety at that, we can better interpret Exxon Mobil’s move in regards to the marine plots of the Cypriot EEZ.
The same is applicable to the Qatar Petroleum’s case, which in actual fact wants to extricate itself from the context of the future which is created in the entire region.