26840 - A rapist torturer, the new leader of Polisario
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi
Each fighter of human Rights, cannot forget the trials against Brahim Ghali, at the National Court which represents the highest Spanish court of law. He had been accused of torture and rape but he never responded to these accusations since he has fled to Algeria. More precisely, he should respond to a lawsuit for rape and sexual abuse against of the young girl Khadijatou Mahmoud Mohamed Zoubeir, but also for torture against El Kabch Mohamed Nafee, El Kharchi Lahbib and Chouiaar Mohamed Mouloud. The abuses took place within a context of slavery since the prisoners in the camps of Tindouf were treated in such manner to crush any will for liberation but also to serve as an example and terrorize the other camp habitants. The Polisario by choosing this individual to place it at its head, shows well its dogmatic character, fanatic and anti-democratic. This shows in parallel the weak representativity of the Polisario next to the sahrawi people. The choice of a hard line, non pacific and even bellicose, cannot be a good sign for the current negotiations. This proves at the same time that there is no real will for resolution of the conflict. However with the characteristics of a torturer and rapist, Brahim Ghali, doesn’t risk influencing the democratic currents, also it is visible that the weaknesses of the Polisario become more and more great and that the lack of staff, requires it to make extreme choices that make no sense but this could be an indication of harmful influence which keeps the problem persisting.