27104 - The Kurdish autonomy is the beginning

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

Maybe some people are used to listening about the Kurdish question only as a problem, like an exercise that they cannot resolve. While the Kurdish question can be solved and we see the first data appearing gradually in Syria through Iran with effects on Turkey. The issue is that the Turkish regime also sees it and tries in every way to obstruct the resolution. The position of Kurdistan especially at the contact area with Western Armenia and at the boundaries of Tiger river, allows the development into the depths of Turkey from the back side. In other words the region consists of a moyo, which can be interpreted through feedback as a results of a Chinese type fuseki . So there is no reason for the absence of a resolution to the problem, especially if a framework of alliance is created with the Armenians and the Pontians. Furthermore, due to the great influence in this region, Kurdistan is a prosperous territory for the USA who in this manner are finally deeper in the Middle East without the problems that the turkish regime provokes to the peoples that it trespasses.