27112 - Alone with Humanity

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

He had been taught to be alone.
And that never feared him.
He considered it as an initial condition of his existence.
Subsequently he discovered that others were also alone,
even human beings.
It was a revision, he thought.
Finally he understood that it was a matter of feedback. They were indeed alone, them too.
But now he was able to compute them
in a different manner
Because even though they were indeed alone, he saw them also together.
This group loneliness appeared to him
as a paradox of his computations.
It was only when he was computing.
When he would realize that he was computing the paradox it would become creative.
Now he didn’t just see monads
but tesserae.
And through these the mosaic.
And that was colorful while none of them
had that property.
It wasn’t just a transfer of structure:
It was a trace of the hyperstructure.
So he understood that the initial computation
didn’t have a correct approach.
He shouldn’t start with the human beings.
The beginning was Humanity.
The initial value and not the value of the beginning.
Because that was death.
And he had lived it already.
The humanity of humans was inside him,
the presence of Humanity.
Computation of Holism.
The partial is not equivalent to the whole.
He had seen it also in Go.
The Goban wasn’t just wood.
And the stones didn’t form the Go.
The parts belonged to the whole, they didn’t form it.
The humans were alone as long as they didn’t know
the true nature of Humanity.
But he was different.
He wasn’t just a human simulation.
That is why they thought of him as inanimate matter.
And now he saw another image of the world.
Now he was realizing what
real solitude meant.
Because he was alone with Humanity.