28558 - France recognizes the culpability of Vichy
N. Lygeros
Translated from the French by Vicky Baklessi
Recognizing its culpability during the Second World War, France accuses again the regime of Vichy which attacked the Gypsies. Indeed this regime so close to the nazi point of view restrained those that were called nomads. In reality, it began this crime against Humanity before even the occupation not only to be seen well by the nazi regime but also because it thought that it was its duty to cleanse society from this error to the opinion of this horror. France recognizing its responsibility, since it is the successor state of this regime, proves that it goes beyond and shows that it officially rejects this barbaric policy. It comes to fill a void within human misery which comes to complement the genocide of the Jews. Of course we had to wait all this time to be Just and this is regrettable but what is most important from now on, is that this recognition exists, and at the highest level of the State through its presidency so nobody can hide behind the curtain of barbarity.Thanks to this act, France demonstrates that it is attached to Humanity and it cannot forget the victims of this barbaric regime which collaborated with horror. It does justice to the innocents who have suffered so much.