29442 - The library’s empty spaces
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias
Before he started reading, his glance looked at the library again.
He imagined that the two gaps he himself had caused, could be permanent due to an irreversible action.
Besides, there were barbarians who burned books.
Their utilization was his own choice.
But when would the change occur for the library, if he just put them back in place after their reading, without doing anything else.
There was no interaction as yet .
Even if he only took down a few notes, it would be a slight change as the library would’ve been extended as a result.
It was in some way or form an added value.
A step further would have be to write a book which would be using this knowledge.
He remembered the phenomenon and he realized that there was a beautiful analogy with food consumption. Even an apple could be something else, rather than just rot away, if we ate it so that it would continue to live within us due to its elements.
At that moment he took a look at his textbook.