30578 - The Supreme Court and the eight innocent ones

N. Lygeros
Translated from Greek by Athina Kehagias

The Supreme Court’s decision regarding the 8 military officers is indicative that Hellenism is pro Justice and Freedom, because even though we were recipients of pressure from Turkey, and even though some of our own as classic serviles wanted to extradite them, our judges didn’t succumb, and they resisted to the government’s barbarism, which was ready to cooperate with the horrors of the dictatorship. Because we all know what would’ve happened to those eight Turkish military officers. And there is no need to remember a film such as Midnight Express in order to understand what official State barbarism is all about. The Turkish President himself, who by the way can’t accept that the triad of genocides imposed upon the Armenians, the Assyrians and the Pontian Greeks ever occurred, went on to explain right after the coup in Turkey, which seems increasingly like a liberation attempt of the people from a dictator, how he addresses everyone whom he assumes guilty, merely because they resisted to the absurd. Therefore our judges knew from the very beginning what would’ve happened to those eight poor old ones, if they were expelled to Turkey, because it would’ve been as if we were passing them on to their torturers and their executioners. They wouldn’t have left a single part of their body untortured, and which wouldn’t have been humiliated, due to the tradition in the barbarism sector. It’s most likely that they would’ve been raped the Ottoman way, and they then would’ve cut their penis of due to Islamism, and had placed them in their mouths, so as to explain to us later on, that they’ve committed aided suicide due to compassion. What’s important is that the Greek justice system did its duty without fearing the politics of servility and barbarism. Because this is a worth following example for the Just, but also for the little Greeks who finally now saw what the sun of justice really means in a tangible way.