31784 - The polycyclycity of Time
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi
The power of Chronostrategy doesn’t derive only from the generalization of geostrategy and topostrategy with the induction of Time but from the capability to exploit the property of polycyclycity which doesn’t have meaning without its presence. Polycyclycity allows approaching the facts that are in a long temporal distance if we examine Time only in a linear manner. Through it we can combine these facts in a deterministic framework, since a Chronostrategy dominates which comes to overreach high strategy, strategy, operational and tactics. Through polycyclycity, Chronostrategy sees and interprets deeper the data since it realizes also the depth at the same time because Time has thickness. In this new framework, battles that seem independent due to temporal distance are embodied in the same polemological field. So Chronostrategy makes the difference when it preoccupies itself with factualogy of great Time depth. In a simple framework the siege of Candia, the liberation of Peloponnese, the Spanish Reconquista, the Byzantium. But it is simultaneously capable of seeing the liberation of Kurdistan, the small and great occupied territories because it touches the future through the past and for Chronostrategy the bridges it builds are bidirectional due to polycyclycity.