35002 - The kurdish referendum
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi
Many people didn’t believe that the Kurdish referendum would take place and yet it is and we are living it as much as it initially seemed unthinkable. Many tried to obstruct its implementation, others for diplomatic reasons, but without insisting and others for ideological reasons, because they wanted to exclude it from their reality. There was in fact also a state that if it could it would had exterminated all Kurds so that they don’t vote, that is how much it is afraid of the outcome and its consequences. While others are waiting from this example of liberation their own freedom, because they are fighting for decades to find again their lands, which aren’t not of course lost but simply occupied territories. So with the kurdish referendum which belongs to the historical dates of Mankind, we change phase not only for the Kurds but for those who fight for the human rights and the rights of the indigenous peoples. In reality the kurdish referendum is a tangible example of the implementation of the Rights of Humanity, which allows the innocents and the Just to express themselves freely against the barbarity of the systems who hate the differences and exist amongst the people. With the kurdish referendum, the Kurds do not only state that they want to live free but also that they constitute of a peoples of Mankind, as much as any barbaric state would like to avoid it.