36825 - The name Macedonia
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias
The name Macedonia as well as the entire context that has been created has many tails, which would be wise to be taken into consideration by any government which assumes that it represents its voters if not the nation. They ought to bare in mind that governments have fallen for matters far less important. Because we have at hand a dominant strategy which we don’t utilize and we remain in the action field of diplomatic negotiations, saying that we ought to watch out for the maximalistic tendencies and nationalism. Only that we’ve heard the same regarding the Annan Plan whereas we finally managed to reject it. The name Macedonia simply constitutes a national issue and it’s not a political party one, in the least. Consequently, no political party, whether it’s nationalistic or not, could take a stand by itself in order to represent the nation. There’s no need for us to justify our selves, just as long as we point out that the matter is a lost issue only when we accept it as such. Because it may be so, that the political inertia may have had an adverse affect upon the entire approach, but it hasn’t as yet made any tragic mistake. Therefore, when we hear officials who have demonstrated their inability to solve any serious problem, then how could we believe that they will not result to that mistake? And when they are talking about courage and solution, we ought to remember that that’s what the government that lost the elections in Cyprus was saying, and that we finally managed to say NO. Him who believes in his ideology assumes that his exceedance is a matter of courage, and of course he doesn’t wonder if they are unacceptable by an entire nation of Time, which has never followed ideologies of barbarism, because Hellenism is a gift of Time to Humanity.