39309 - Siege of Future
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi
Occupied Famagusta, the first reference we see here with regards to the castle of Othello, reminds us also of the play, as we should speak of these things, but of course what is important here, in a siege manner, is how the castle is connected with the gate of the sea, how it is combined with the next gate and the tower which we see at the edge and how it consists of an angle which is internal with regards to with the data of the sea. In the back, we see St. George and the cathedral of St. Nicolas in an area that is formed now in a European way, and we shouldn’t get into the details, and this means that there is a preparation for the liberation so that these data which belong to history, to belong, in continuity, also to the future.
Famagusta, Small Occupied Territories, 22/07/2018