39368 - Court of Justice of the European Union and the non representativeness of the Polisario
N. Lygeros
Translated from the French by Vicky Baklessi
Due to an error of strategic choice, some years ago, the Polisario, without a state entity, attempts through legal actions, on one part to put a brake on the development of the Provinces of the South on the other part to acquire a representativness among the populations of Sahara but in vain. In reality, each time that the Polisario tries to harm the Agreements of the European Union with Morocco, it finds itself in the end within a worst state than the previous one. It is clear that it follows advice but these lead it gradually to its loss. This is seen by the number of States that have decided to annul their recognition. It always exploited instruments of propaganda to achieve its ends but this has its limits in the face of reality. By wishing to challenge the fisheries’ agreements in order to establish its authority over the Saharan populations, he finds himself in a precarious situation. Initially it wanted to hold a status and now it must justify itself because the Court of Justice of the European Union does not recognize it even as a representative. It is clear that the Polisario is not a State in its entirety so its own nature is placed in questioning. In fact, it hoped to at least have the status of the interlocutor as it now represents but the Court of Justice explains that it is not the case. So the Polisario which wants to encounter Morocco by engaging in the field of justice since that of the land is terminated, sees its alleged representativeness crumble. By wanting to claim too much without any foundation and without strategy, it placed, even itself through its own errors, in a position which rings a bell for its interests. It has to choose now which battle to give in order to justify its superfluous existence for the populations of Sahara.