40713 - A Question of Time
Georgia, N. Lygeros
– I have never forgotten beauty, and deep connection in past lives…
– The opposite would be impossible for you.
– I vividly recall the purity of connection…
– Only purity can resist to societies.
– And the same rhythm of your heart’s beauty that surpasses the norm…
– Because there is no norm for the Love of Mankind.
– I know now that we get homesick for people too…
– The reason is simple as we are connected in the deep network of Mankind.
– And it takes more than a pulse… and how now I struggle to remain composed…
– It’s not a struggle but our real life outside of the simplistic reality.
– I just want to lose myself around you. ..
– You are already in me so don’t try anything else.
– You are the constant…It is you…It’s always been you…It will always be you.
– Time is with you. Now you know it.