58346 - Chevron in the Eastern Mediterranean
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias
Those who were saying that the Eastern Mediterranean would not be of great interest to major international oil companies, ought to change their minds, because Chevron itself is now coming to the region.
Chevron, which has already bought out Noble Energy for 5 billion dollars, will be one of the big ones in charge, in regards to the Leviathan field.
Together with Delek, the companies which are responsible for the Leviathan and Tamar reserves have signed an agreement with Israel Natural Gas Lines.
It is regarding a 235 million dollar energean project which is coming to enhance the regions pipeline network.
It is in fact, characteristic of the practical interest by the foreign companies, since they will pay up 50% of the cost for the construction of the new pipeline.
Consequently, we now all see, that even during the pandemia epoch, the strategic interest towards the Eastern Mediterranean not only did not stop but it is enhanced all the more, due to the energean security requirements of the entire European Union