Disciple: Could you create a composition so that I can see a technical point?
Master: Which point would you prefer?
Disciple: I would firstly like a Mozart motif…
Master: Okay and afterwards?
Disciple: A technique I need to learn… For my progress.
Master: Fine then… Anything else?
Disciple: And for the end to be joyous…
Master: For you or for the others?
Disciple: Firstly for me and if you can for the others also, but without any technical obstacle for them.
Master: I’m glad you mentioned the second part.
Disciple: It was for assurance.
Master: Subject?
Disciple: Whatever you like…
Master: I understood.
Disciple: Does it matter?
Master: No, it does not matter… Time. I will find something…
Disciple: This is what I want…
Master: Then I will choose the soul of the klepth…
Disciple: I’m glad.
Master: And his black horse.
Disciple: Will I hear the cello and the piano?
Master: I will only place these.
Disciple: That will be enough…
Master: He will be the Fighter.