6182 - The gift of peace

N. Lygeros
Translation: Paola Vagioni

Without prima vista
but with prima donna
we made a lateral attack
to the rock of the Acropolis
to see the Parthenon
under the moonlight
with a myth shared in two
and to direct the future
of a mythology that
the cursed society forgot
in order to burry humanity
inside the oblivion of indifference
and yet we laid our plan
of the multiple spectacle
where there are no hours
but just the days
and the white nights
to show the invisible
of the ancient legends
without compromises
without critics
but only to men
that can cross
along the dark sceneries
without fearing
the mute green
of an abandoned road
in order to live again
alltogether and alone
the sound of peace
through the gaze
and the boldness of Prometheus.