79815 - Transcription of Podcast With Us #81: The artificial intelligence of Mankind

N. Lygeros

In this podcast we want to talk about the relation between artificial intelligence and Humanity. We know what exactly artificial intelligence is right now. We have many examples of this science and its application. But the problem is how to imagine how the future is with this artificial intelligence. In reality even the human intelligence is something which is not so natural for nature. We belong to nature but we are different definitely. And for us maybe artificial intelligence seems to be something which is really different from us but it’s important to imagine that at this time in reality artificial intelligence is very close to ours. So the idea is maybe the only difference is that we have been created by nature and artificial intelligence has been created by us. So it’s in fact a second level of intelligence. The question is if we are really different or not. Is this artificial intelligence totally different from the human intelligence? Maybe it was the first idea. But in its evolution artificial intelligence came very close to the natural intelligence of humans. Because in fact when we study this field at least at the beginning we thought that it was only an extension of computer science. But after that, after this failure, it was obvious that we should have used the model. In reality artificial intelligence is modelled on human intelligence. And we can see it especially for deep neural network because the model was our brain. So we have a new intelligence but constructed on our intelligence and especially on the model of our brain. So we are so close in fact that it’s rather impossible to say that there is no relation and that we are totally different. If we think about this more deeply we can say that, especially in the future, we can see artificial intelligence as the evolution and not only the extension of human intelligence. So it’s a way to be more efficient, to be more deep and to create something which is a new understanding but based on an old one of the same thing. I mean the world. When we imagine artificial versus natural intelligence in fact we do not realize that we don’t have two entities, we have only one. It’s more or less the next step but the next step not in opposition but like an added value. So we have the next step of the human intelligence is with the artificial intelligence. So we can think that in reality Mankind, especially for the future, will be with two intelligences correlated in relation and not something which is in opposition. So we have to think in fact the old intelligences of human and the new intelligence of human rather than two intelligences in opposition.