80301 - Transcription of Podcast #109: Metajoy

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias

In this podcast we will discuss the notion of metajoy, which substantially is the joy caused by the joy of another, and to understand that in this context, historically, religiously, and in matters of faith, metajoy belongs to the uncountable one, meaning that , there is no limit to metajoy. It is something that it’s good to develop, because it helps you towards your evolution. But meta-joy could function as a tool, reason being that metajoy is primarily based upon an action which will make the other person joyful. But it presupposes the creation of a task. It may not be of such importance, it may simply be an action, as we sometimes say, a good deed. But this action will differentiate the being, because it will in actual fact begin through the works. As a result, it will be the works which will create the being. We will therefore have the, I act, which configures the I am, and when this I act does not entail the I have, and it does not opt for possession ownership, it means that it constitutes a gift. Consequently, we have a transformation, which derives from a need that has been identified, then there are the works, which will fill that need, thereafter there will be a joy, and that joy will in turn cause metajoy. Metajoy, however, could also be a source, meaning that, from the beginning we are dealing with someone who functions exclusively altruistically, who functions for the joy of others and this, not only because he believes it, but because he is structurally made likewise and has this role assigned to him, to bring joy to others. By saying joy to others, we of course mean joy to the souls of others. Therefore it is a work concerning the soul. If others, if the souls are happy, then they learn. If they learn, they evolve and move away from ignorance. In this manner they consciously fight through the Teaching and discipleship against barbarism, and in favor of Humanity. Consequently, we can see happiness in this field of action as something which derives from the source. You will ask me at this point, how could it be possible to be a source since it depends upon the others. By saying the words “the other”, it defines a human, but it also implies the existence of yet another. So when we are in this context, it goes to say that even the definition could derive from the others, or we could even say that because there is this interconnection, there is not such a thing as one and the other, but only the other others who constitute the one. Within this context it means that there is a consciousness which understands that it is not limited to one entity, but extends to a totality. In this manner it functions as a multiplicity which meets the needs of the entirety, so that it evolves and finds itself in a state of harmony, where ideally in the end, eschatologically, there would be no more suffering. If we think about it in this manner, metajoy is a very powerful tool, which fights against suffering. That is, it transforms the course into a painless evolution. And this means that there is no existence of this pain, of this toil, but there is this joy, there is this understanding of notion and in this way we can say that metajoy functions catalytically upon others, because primarily it produces joy, but also to us, because we have felt this joy as a feedback, it allows us to go further, without having anything more, since it is the joy of others. Consequently, this joy of the souls of others, actually increases the depth of the works of ours*. In this manner we understand that metajoy cannot be limited, because it functions upon a bond and when that is constantly enhanced by joy and metajoy, it functions harmoniously.
Therefore metajoy finally  comes across as a harmony tool and if we examine it vise a versa we can say that harmony creates  metajoy as a tool, so that joy may exist, so as to remove the pain.