84005 - The work must go on

N. Lygeros

I know that it’s incredible for you but after thousands of years, the work must go on. Don’t care about the others if they don’t do anything. The future depends on us. This is what you have to keep in mind. The occupated minds as the occupied territories will not change anything. But things change. And there is a reason. This reason can be our work. Don’t think that it’s impossible and remember that after our act it will be incredible for the others. The point is different and of course crucial. The world can change and we can do it. It’s a question of faith and of course of Time. But don’t try to change anyone, don’t waste your time and of course mine. There are too many innocent people but only few of them really want to be saved. Think about them and you will start to help to save them. You will see that even the raising is possible if you have the light with you.