84014 - The invisible touch

N. Lygeros

When you see the light from all the sides, you have a complete way to admire it as a subject. Light is always naked because this is the same for the truth. Nothing needs to be covered. From the beginning the sign has elements of the Apocalypse. The end was the start of the next cycle. So feel on you the invisible touch of Time if you want to continue to live as a soul. Don’t stop at the end of the body, use it as a tool. Even if it says stop, continue to live because it’s necessary in the struggle of Mankind. This is the aim of my essence. The believer can see it but it remains invisible for the others. Everybody can see the stones of the most precious book but who can see the stones of light in the text. You are not precious to me for your body or your life but as a soul. On the other side remember that I also love your body and your life because it’s your gift in my mind.