84018 - Stay alive

N. Lygeros

Don’t die in a body. Don’t die in a society. You are more than that, Mankind is more than that. If your body is alive, it is due only to you. This is your light and your essence, together as an alloy, together as a blend. We aren’t parts of the same object, we are the manifold of the singularity. You don’t need to make many things to convince me that you can do something good. Do only the good. I don’t need something else. Our fight has no end, our mission isn’t only one. You need to stay awake and you can do this only if you are free of your body, to feel the harmony because its power is bigger than that of love. Love is great but alone. Harmony is strong because it is the whole in one. Don’t try to do more, do only what we need to make the difference. To win the light doesn’t need more than one candle.