84019 - The half stone

N. Lygeros

Our moves don’t need to be impressive because we don’t belong to society. We don’t want to be stronger than someone. We want only the pure good. So everything depends on your Faith. With it, you will do even what seems impossible to realize. The only limit for us is the sky. The key point is the half stone and even that one is a stone of light. When you break a stone, it’s still a stone. Don’t look at the size, the only important thing is its nature. That’s why when we win the darkness only with a half stone of light, it’s a victory. Our whole is unbreakable and we are unstoppable. So if you stop it’s just a question of willingness. But you have it and the proof is simply that you are with me in this struggle. So don’t worry about the way if you know the path of the light. Keep walking on the sea because it’s the way to catch the sky.