84048 - Beyond fear

N. Lygeros

When people are afraid it means that fear is dominant in their mind. But Faith is beyond fear. That’s why it doesn’t work with fear. Faith is always free no matter what it happens. And this is the same for the souls. So let your fears away and go further. Come closer to me to discover how the world is. The reality is deeper when you think beyond fear. Because this is the place of harmony. All the people are trying to find an equilibrium but when they find it they realize that’s only a delimitation with fear. They feel protected with that but there is no complementary. That’s why it’s impossible to access to harmony and because it doesn’t exist. Fear is only an obstacle and you can overcome it with your Faith. So continue on the path of light and use your freedom to ask what you want as there is no limit when you believe since your request is transformed into joy.