84068 - The Waltz and the Sonatina

N. Lygeros

– Now, you have it.
– Thanks, my dear.
– Why dear?
– It’s in relation with the Waltz of Brahms.
– You didn’t say anything about the Sonatina of Beethoven.
– What shall I say?
– Beethoven wrote six pieces for mandolin.
– I know that but I don’t get your point.
– Although manuscripts for only four of these still exist today.
– So you felt sad for the two…
– Yes, and that’s why I decided to study them.
– To keep in your mind?
– I want to protect them from oblivion.
– But when you played the Sonatina in C Major, you enjoyed it, isn’t it?
– Not exactly at that moment.
– But when?
– When I saw that you appreciated it.