84089 - The secret code

N. Lygeros

– How did you find this link?
– With the Codebook.
– It’s a joke?
– Of course not.
– The connection was made with that.
– It’s not a surprise… We are in a Library…
– But it’s an old method!
– You are too new…
– But you like this.
– You live in Time and I love it.
– What kind of Codebook it is?
– It’s a two-part.
– So it looks like a dictionary.
– Exactly. I found it in this field.
– My God… Let me see it.
– Touch my head with yours.
– Just like it.
– Yes, just like it.
– Unbelievable, I can read it.
– It was waiting for us…
– Only for us?
– In fact, for any solver.
– Or any savior.
– We are both.
– When we are together.
– That’s why we are one.
– This is polycyclicity.