84094 - The instruments

N. Lygeros

– I thought that the instruments were forbidden…
– Not here…
– Isn’t it a paradox?
– No, just a question of dogma.
– So, they don’t know the truth.
– They don’t need it…
– They just want to be right.
– But it’s wrong.
– I know and certainly some of them know it.
– And this doesn’t change anything?
– In fact, no.
– But why?
– If people consider that they are right, it’s fine for them…
– Even if they know the truth.
– If they change something like that, it will be the end of their dogma.
– So, their dogma is more important than their faith.
– They don’t have faith, they have only dogma.
– I feel sad for them.
– Don’t do that…
– I do not understand.
– They belong to barbarity because they know what they do.
– And for us?