84098 - The salvation of the Myrrhbearers

N. Lygeros

– Early in the morning…
– The myrrh…
– The reason which conducted to the serendipity…
– The Three Marys.
– This is the code.
– The Three Marys at the crucifixion.
– The Three Marys at the tomb.
– From Myrrh to Marys.
– From Memory to Faith.
– Everything was possible for them.
– Just because he told it.
– This is also the polycyclicity of the same act.
– They wanted to anoint his body.
– And they were the first who heard the announcement of his resurrection.
– Women who were the Myrrhbearers became the witnesses.
– It means that they are in fact more than just Equal to the Apostles.
– That’s why the salvation is so crucial.
– It’s not only about the correction of a code.
– It’s more about a refoundation.
– And it’s possible.
– It’s a struggle against the barbarity of the dogma.