84105 - The 3D-inderdiction

N. Lygeros

– It’s incredible to realize the size of the number of interdictions.
– The weaker you are…
– You need more interdictions.
– You are afraid of creations…
– Because you aren’t a creator.
– And they try to stop evolution.
– In which way?
– When an art is possible, they stop its evolution with rules.
– It’s a nonsense.
– I Know but they did it and they do it.
– Even now?
– You can see it with the problem of perspective.
– It’s like a 3D-interdiction.
– Exactly and it’s an attempt to stop the evolution.
– I imagine that the 4D is not forbidden because they can’t see it.
– Certainly.
– But I can do it.
– I know…
– So the interdiction is in fact much more general and very deeply related to barbarity.
– That’s the point, my soul.