84106 - The joy of the slow motion

N. Lygeros

– Your slow motion is really impressive.
– I’m glad you love it.
– In fact, it’s wow! Because I can see every detail even more than that I asked. And you know how many requests I can do!
– I know it quite well and it’s your grace, my soul, your amazing grace.
– So you don’t mind if I want to learn so many things.
– On the contrary, it’s exactly what I want. By the way, it’s a pleasure for me to see your joy.
– And it’s beautiful when I can see your metajoy.
– With the slow motion, you can enjoy all the properties of polycyclicity.
– I love also when you go to the depth.
– Really? I’ll not forget it.
– Great and I got it.
– I can show everything you want. Your will is free.
– You know what? I love the blend you make for our alloy.
– It’s also wonderful for me because I feel you from everywhere.