84415 - The guts of the mind

N. Lygeros

With the organ works  it’s possible to study what is exactly a masterpiece. In the scores, he shows some precious details and the way they are used by Bach who was also responsible for the rebirth of Vivaldi. The forgotten composer was still in his mind and this one had the guts to continue this musical path. He went even beyond that but he never forgot the importance of his writings for the future. They feel like this. In his work the omnipresence of the souls was a fact. No compromise was possible about that because they belong to Mankind. So his decision was made. The souls have to right to live in his work. As an opus humanitatis it was impossible for him to have another option. His mind was with Time even if Time was already with him. The souls were no more alone. Together like the seasons in the years, like the centuries in the millennium, the souls were the fresh light of the future in the past. And their alloy was a powerful proof that their essences were compatible with his Work. With him, Humanity was bigger than the set of societies of oblivion because his creativity was like the notes of the organ works.