84416 - The seasons of souls

Ν. Λυγερός

The seasons are different but they belong to the same year. Two identical  seasons aren’t  from the same year. The complementarity is a way to live together and the identity, a way to exist separately. The souls are different but with him they can live freely at the same time. They don’t need to be identical. Each one can have its characteristics. This is a fact now. The only need is simple and it’s the compatibility with his work. But for them, it’s not so difficult because they can’t be with the barbarity of societies. The oblivion is act of barbarity. Death is human but not oblivion. Oblivion is a way to erase the others and the first step of the attempt to destruct them. So the need is in fact in the core of the souls. The seasons of souls have different beauties but all of them constitute the  beauty of the truth of Time. The Legend doesn’t need to lie. There is no comparison due to the bifurcation. The multiple choice has only one option. Even if someone removes the choices, the truth will remove  the same. It doesn’t belong to the set of choices. It’s free and independent.