84478 - The shadow of society

N. Lygeros

It’s easy to see the shadow of society on the face of the slaves.  They try to keep it secret but it’s impossible. They are afraid to make a different move from the mass and they don’t have any standard deviation.  They belong to the mean to avoid problems. But even the slaves have a soul and they deserve to be liberated because they have greatness in them. That’s why for him, it’s impossible to leave them. The shadow of society is against souls. Normally we get what we deserve but with society the things aren’t so easy and the souls need help to survive and protection to live. The essence changes all this because it works as a source of light even in the darkness. So the point is quite different. We get what we deserve because we belong to Mankind and that’s why the savior is always with the souls. It’s his duty and they deserve it. He makes the necessary changes to avoid the shadow of society with his own light. The souls know that and they use it to go up closer to the sky.