84500 - The double vision

N. Lygeros

It may be unbelievable but it’s possible to have a double vision when you are a soul. On the one side you see the essence and on the other the light. Close to the first, far from the second. Because the first is for the thirst and the second for the view. The souls can also enjoy and ask for that because they feel free to discover any piece of the mosaic, which is alive in front of them without any obstacle. For them the double vision is also a double pleasure for the lives because they can feel each detail of the big picture. The deep love, the heavy beauty and the sacred sword are omnipresent in this double vision until the end and even after. The double vision works as a duality which permits the complementarity and of course the existence of harmony. At the same time, due to the polycyclicity, perfection creates pleasure which is multiple and this is resulting from the splitting of the universe. The bifurcation is only the starting point but it’s sufficient for the journey and its mission.