84827 - The harbour in the fjord

Ν. Λυγερός

It wasn’t just by chance
an harbour in the fjord.
It was, it is and it will be a necessity.
By its nature, the fjord is a protection
and when someone knows how to use it
it becomes an armour.
The beauty of the fjord was transformed
and shaped by the civilization of the sea
to constitute a part of the history of Mankind.
In that sense
each of his souls was a fjord
and their combination with their complementarity
as a toll and a weapon
belongs to the light.
The stones, the wood,
the notes, the music,
the souls, the one
always the same mental scheme
in its struggle against barbarity.
The harbour belongs to the sea.
The fjord is living with the sea.
This connection is now
an historical link
and nothing less.